Created by Mark J. Hadley, Slender: The Eight Pages is a psychological horror/survival horror video game based on the Slender Man mythos. The goal of the game is to find a total of eight pages. About This Game You're on your own. No one to come for you. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Slender: The Arrival is the official videogame adaption of Slender Man, developed in collaboration with Eric 'Victor Surge' Knudson, creator of the paranormal phenomenon that has been terrifying the curious-minded around the world since its inception, with Mark Hadley and Blue Isle Studios. Hello, this game is called slender multiplayer, because its slender with multiplayer. Contact me if you need anything at: Reminder: when you host a game you dont need to port forward, the server is still hosted on one of photons clouds, you are indicated as the leader. Slenderman is a free entertaining horror game that focuses on a minimalistic approach. It involves no weapons or other fighting abilities. It's a pure frightened experience. Slenderman started as a project for 64Digits contest and has been released prior to Slender, the game created by 'Something Awful' team.
Scare yourself silly in this suspense horror survival game.
Slender: the Arrival is a story based survival horror game with a twist. Unlike many other entries in the genre, the point of the game isn't to survive as long as you can, building up resources from nothing. Instead, the game centers strongly along the story and the experience of playing through a series of events, surviving the game's terrifying antagonist, the Slender Man, until you get through to the end. The Arrival is the prologue to the first slender game, Slender: the Eight Pages, which was itself an experimental game. In the first, players are challenged to search the short game for eight pages of a book while being relentlessly haunted by a faceless man, the Slender man. This second game comes before in the story, but uses the same mechanics in a longer story to some what mixed effect.
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The most interesting mechanic is the Slender games is that the player can not fight the antagonist. The Slender Man is invincible, immortal and for that reason, extremely terrifying. The player, armed only with a flashlight, can only run from this creature when it gets close. Any close contact will cause the screen to shudder, distort and prolonged exposure causes death. While the Slender man hunts, the player is tasked with the same kinds of tasks; find a set of objects in a creepy landscape. The task is pretty repetitive and although the skill set of the Slender Man evolves so players are forced to change their tactics, there isn't much variety in how you solve the puzzles. Scare tactics are high on the games list of priorities and you'll find yourself playing to be spooked instead of playing for the puzzles.
Slender: the Arrival is all about presentation. From the soundtrack of creepy background noises and excellent music to the way the Slender Man seems to stalk the player from near and far and the abandoned areas each level takes place. The game is short, but very intense and guaranteed to get your heart rate up. The story is a little cookie cutter, there's a missing child and a history of terror as the curse of the Slender Man is revealed to be driving people into violent madness. Abandoned buildings, etc. are all staples of the horror genre.
- Terrifying game experience will give horror fans something to scream about
- Excellent presentation, both visual and audio
- Repetitive game mechanics and unimaginative puzzles
- Short play through
- Terrifying game experience will give horror fans something to scream about
- Excellent presentation, both visual and audio
- Repetitive game mechanics and unimaginative puzzles
- Short play through
Missed P.T.? Here comes your second chance.
It is one of the simplest but yet most scary games: P.T. (Playable Teaser), which was supposed to be a Teaser for Silent Hills on PS4. As the father of the game, Hideo Kojima, left Konami, the upcoming game was unfortunately canceled as well. Since then, P.T. has vanished from the Playstation Store and as well from the Libraries of all PS4 owners.
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A Canadian Fan, Farhan Qureshi, took the opportunity and Unity Engine to start a Remake of the thrilling hallways named PuniTy. Different than the Original, there is no endless loop, but still the Horror Remake contains all the key elements PT had.
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I am going to play it next week on stream and prepared my diapers already. If you wanna go ahead, feel free to download PuniTy on – available for PC, Mac and Linux.